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Se anunță o nouă ordine: 'Guvernarea mondială a eşuat'

Se anunță o nouă ordine: 'Guvernarea mondială a eşuat'

A.F. 4 martie 2023 | 00:00 1391

Prim-ministrul indian Narendra Modi a declarat în deschiderea unei reuniuni a G20 la New Delhi, că instituţiile multilaterale "au eşuat" în a face faţă provocărilor urgente cu care se confruntă lumea, informează AFP.

Se anunta o noua ordine: 'Guvernarea mondiala a esuat'Narendra Modi, Vladimir Putin

"Trebuie să recunoaştem că multilateralismul este astăzi în criză", a subliniat Modi într-o declaraţie preînregistrată, în deschiderea unei reuniuni a miniştrilor afacerilor externe ai ţărilor G20, transmite Agerpres.


"Experienţa acestor ultimi ani - criza financiară, schimbarea climatică, pandemia, terorismul şi războiul - arată clar că guvernarea mondială a eşuat", a continuat Modi.

Invazia rusă asupra Ucrainei ar urma să domine reuniunea miniştilor de externe ai principalelor puteri mondiale, a admis miercuri în faţa presei secretarul de stat indian pentru afaceri externe Shri Vinay Kwatra, citează

Avertisment pentru Rusia

În septembrie, premierul indian i-a spus preşedintelui rus Vladimir Putin că "nu este vremea pentru război", afirmaţii percepute la acea dată drept o critică la adresa intervenţiei militare a Moscovei în Ucraina.

Joi, Modi i-a îndemnat cu ardoare pe delegaţi să lucreze la o înţelegere şi să depăşească divergenţele.

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Ia medicamente ca nu te vad bine. Amesteci lucrurile si duci multe discutii in derizoriu, jignind agresiv pe toti care au o alta parere. Nu toti sunt trolli si putinistu. Multi sunt doar p****i. Si nesimtiti ca sunt indiferenti la suferinta creata de monstrul Putin. Probleme psihice avem toti. Mai multe sau mai putine. Nu e o jignire daca cred ca ai asemenea probleme. E o parere care poate fi gresita, dar trebuie sa stii ca e alimentata de postarile tale. Problema grava e daca nu tratezi. Nu mai aduce pe Dumnezeu si Isus in discutie ca ei sunt toleranti si zic sa intorci si celalalt obraz, dar tu instigi la ura. Cei care suntem credinciosi, avem frica de Dumnezeu si Isus. Tu, din ce postezi, pare ca nu ai. Aduci in discutie elemente religioase ca scuza pt ura pe care o propavaduiesti. Stiu ca Putin e intruchiparea Satanei si eu sunt de accord cu asta. Stiu si sunt de accord ca merita sa moara cat mai repede ca sa se incheie acest razboi nedrept care a nenorocit o gramada de oameni. Stiu si ce au facut rusii in Romania si cat de nenorociti au fost si sunt. Dar asta nu iti da dreptul sa postezi injurii si instigare la ura. Esti o persoana care pare culta. Accepta ca ai o problema pshica si trateaz-o. E spre binele tau.
nu e nevoie sa citesti ca e peste puterile tale. Mai bine ia niste mwie cu kkt ca la asta esti invatat de asasinul putin.
esti nervopat, poate se sesizeaza cineva si te baga in camasa de forta. Cate ore din viata ti-ai petrecut sa scrii aberatiile astea pe care nu le citeste nimeni. Ai nevoie de ajutor specializat.
Acesta este un mesaj pentru trolul putinist care instiga la "taierea internetului". Poftim, "dementule": "Art 368 Instigarea publică | Codul Penal - (1) Fapta de a îndemna publicul, verbal, în scris sau prin orice alte mijloace, să săvârşească infracţiuni se pedepseşte cu închisoare de la 3 luni la 3 ani sau cu amendă, fără a se putea depăşi pedeapsa prevăzută de lege pentru infracţiunea la săvârşirea căreia s-a instigat. 2) Dacă fapta prevăzută în alin. (1) este comisă de un funcţionar public, pedeapsa este închisoarea de la unu la 5 ani şi interzicerea exercitării unor drepturi, fără a se putea depăşi pedeapsa prevăzută de lege pentru infracţiunea la săvârşirea căreia s-a instigat. Reviste (1) (3) Dacă instigarea publică a avut ca urmare comiterea infracţiunii la care s-a instigat, pedeapsa este cea prevăzută de lege pentru acea infracţiune."; Art. 253 Noul Cod Penal Distrugerea Distrugerea şi tulburarea de posesie - Art. 253 Distrugerea (1) Distrugerea, degradarea sau aducerea în stare de neîntrebuinţare a unui bun aparţinând altuia ori împiedicarea luării măsurilor de conservare sau de salvare a unui astfel de bun, precum şi înlăturarea măsurilor luate se pedepsesc cu închisoare de la 3 luni la 2 ani sau cu amendă. (2) Distrugerea unui înscris sub semnătură privată, care aparţine în tot sau în parte altei persoane şi serveşte la dovedirea unui drept de natură patrimonială, dacă prin aceasta s-a produs o pagubă, se pedepseşte cu închisoare de la 6 luni la 3 ani sau cu amendă. (3) Dacă fapta prevăzută în alin. (1) priveşte bunuri care fac parte din patrimoniul cultural, pedeapsa este închisoarea de la unu la 5 ani. (4) Distrugerea, degradarea sau aducerea în stare de neîntrebuinţare a unui bun, săvârşită prin incendiere, explozie ori prin orice alt asemenea mijloc şi dacă este de natură să pună în pericol alte persoane sau bunuri, se pedepseşte cu închisoarea de la 2 la 7 ani. (5) Dispoziţiile prevăzute în alin. (3) şi alin. (4) se aplică chiar dacă bunul aparţine făptuitorului. (6) Pentru faptele prevăzute în alin. (1) şi alin. (2) acţiunea penală se pune în mişcare la plângerea prealabilă a persoanei vătămate. (7) Tentativa faptelor prevăzute în alin. (3) şi alin. (4) se pedepseşte.
Serios? Altfel ce faci, plangi? Te doare adevarul, trolule putinist? In primul rand se numeste POLUARE acest comentariul pe care l-ai c***t in drum aici precum indienii. In al doilea rand, comentariile mele sunt legate de stire, de India, de China si Rusia, de alianta lor. Sunt argumente irefutabile. Doi la mana, cele mai multe sunt CITATE DIN SURSE SIGURE, INTERNATIONALE. In concluzie, i-am acuzat pe indieni, pe chinezi si pe rusi ca sunt CANIBALI satanisti si ca alianta lor si incercarea lor de a porni o "noua ordine mondiala" sunt pline de rahat, imputite precum strazile din India sau Rusia. Imaginati-va numai ce miros si ce POLUARE in adevaratul sens al cuvantului exista acolo. E oare o surpriza ca din China a pornit "PANDEMIA"? Mai surprinde pe cineva? Deci, am adus argumente CLARE, cu dovezi din surse sigure, prin care imi probez teoria conform careia Rusia, China si India sunt sataniste si canibale, impreuna vor sa refaca IMPERIUL RAULUI, adica sa readuca la actualitate INFOMETAREA TACTICA si CANIBALISMUL din perioada lui Stalin si MAO - refacerea URSS. Deci, comentariile mele sunt categoric despre subiectul din stire. Iar comentariile voastre sunt "comentarii despre comentariile altora". Cine greseste aici, trolilor? Cine polueaza? E propaganda cumva ce am postat? SUNT SURSE SIGURE! Verificati-le! Traim in ERA DIGITALA! Cu 2 clickuri puteti verifica daca e adevarat sau. Va doare adevarul? Nu-i nimic. Vreau sa va doara! Vreau sa muriti de suparare cu durerea in ochi! Istoria se invata si nu se repetea! NEVER AGAIN! Nu mai dorim g.e.n.o.c.i.d cum au facut nazistii, sovieticii lui Stalin, comunistii lui MAO etc. NEVER AGAIN! Celalalt la fel, a injura NATO si EU la o stire despre India, China si Rusia si "NOUA ORDINE MONDIALA" pe care vor ei sa o faca. Injuriile alea au fost scrise "cu limba de moarte", pentru ca moare trolul de suparare. Repet, pentru ca IL DOARE ADEVARUL! Oare cum puteti trece atat de usor peste faptul ca RUSIA A INVADAT PAMANTURILE ROMANESTI DE 12 ORI IN ISTORIE? OARE CUM PUTETI? E "putin lucru" in opinia voastra, nu-i asa? O nimica toata! Ca si cum nu s-ar fi intamplat. Cati bunici si strabunici ne-au fost torturati, talhariti, violati si ucisi in chinuri groaznice de catre satanistii rusi invadatori? Cati, ma, cati? Si voi sustineti astazi Rusia na(Z)ista a lui Putin? Sunteti voi tradatori de tara si de neam sau nu sunteti? Aveti discernamant? Suferiti de Sindromul Stockholm? Ati fost violati de atatea ori de rusi, incat a inceput sa va placa si mai cereti sa o faca si a 13-a oara? Ce rau v-au facut UE si NATO, comentacule? Pune in balanta cu cele 12 invazii rusesti pe pamanturile romanesti si cu tot raul facut. Ganditi-va ca nazistii ne-au luat Transilvania, dar abia dupa ce satanistii sovietici ne-au luat deja BASARABIA. Deci, romanii au fost indreptatiti sa se dea cu nazistii pentru recuperarea Transilvaniei si mai ales a Basarabiei. Toata lumea e multumita ca am distrus impreuna nazistii. De acord cu asta! Dar dupa ce ne-au luat Transilvania pentru o scurta perioada de timp, apoi am devenit aliati cu nazistii lui Hitler. Deci, teoretic sovieticii ne-au facut de vreo 100 de ori mai mult rau decat nazistii. Ca drept dovada, Transilvania s-a intors la noi, ar BASARABIA si tezaurul de aur al Romaniei nu s-a mai intors din Moscova. CINE E UNICUL SI VESNICUL INAMIC AL ROMANIEI? RUSIA este! Macar acum aveti ocazia sa strigati "Rusia!", trolilor! Va blestemam sa ardeti toti in focul iadului vesnic daca nu va indreptati pe calea cea buna, daca nu va lepadati de Satana in carne si oase Putin. Cu noi este Dumnezeu pana in ultima clipa. De satanistii "eurasiatici" va veni Iisus a doua oara sa ne salveze. Nu uitati de "falsul profet" din vremurile din urma, nu uitati de antihrist, de Satana care se va drept Iisus, drept "SALVATORUL OMENIRII". Cine altinceva insinueaza ca "salveaza lumea" de catre "occidentalii aia rai"? Cine? Nu e BLASFEMIE tot ce scoate Satana Putin pe gura? Se crede el mai presus de Dumnezeu? Se crede ZEU IN CARNE SI OASE? Se crede mai puternic decat omul simplu pe care Dumnezeu L-a creat dupa chipul si asemanarea Sa? Ba, prostovanilor! Iisus era om simplu. Era om simplu ca noi toti. Putin se crede superior? Iisus a spus: "Eu sunt Alfa si Omega. Cel Care este, Care era şi Care vine, Cel Atotputernic!“. Desi Iisus s-a nascut la fel ca noi, a fost un om simplu si liber asa cum ne-a creat Dumnezeu pe toti, totusi el avea sufletul curat si prin el LUCRA DUMNEZEU. Dar nu era nici magician, nici altceva. Nici imparat, nici dictator, nici presedinte, nici nimic. Era om simplu ca noi toti, ca mine, chiar si ca tine, troule putinist. Desi avem opinii diferite, eu nu decid daca sa traiti voi sau sa muriti. Eu nu sunt mai presus decat voi si nici voi decat mine. Noi sutem toti la fel. Dar Satana Putin se crede mai presus decat toata lumea. El i-a oferit un corp fizic SATANEI in acest moment. Nu exista pe nicaieri in lumea asta altcineva precum Satana Putin. Nimeni! Nici macar Kim Jong-un sau Xi Jinping. Putin este intruchiparea Satanei, dar voi nu vreti sa vedeti si sa recunoasteti asta, pentru ca asunteti maniosi pe Iisus pe Dumnezeu pentru ca nu ati primit de la Ei ceea ce ati cerut si nu meritati. Nu sunteti numai niste tradatori de tara si de neam, dar sunteti si niste ANTIHRISTI care "ati acceptat semnele Fiarei" (simbolic, adica Z si steaua rosie care este o PENTAGRAMA satanista) si va inchinati la ea. Asta este diferenta dintre mine si voi, eu inca am suflet, chiar daca sunt pacatos ca toti ceilalti. Dar voi? Voi v-ati lepadat de Dumnezeu si faceti LUCRAREA SATANEI din MOSCOVA. Asta este diferenta dintre noi. De la ADAM si EVA, Dumnezeu I-a lasat liberi sa aleaga, sa pacatuiasca sau sa nu o faca. Nu le-a lasat un dictator, nu le-a lasat un pitic de 157cm inaltime cu degetul mic pe butonul nuclear care sa urle la ei si sa ameninte ca daca musca din Pomul Cunoasterii Binelui si Raului, ii bombardeaza nuclear. Vedeti voi, aici va inselati amarnic si sunteti de parte gresita a istoriei. Sunteti de partea Satanei din Rusia, iar noi de partea BINELUI care va invinge intotdeauna. Oamenii liberi din NATO si aliatii sai sunt oameni credinciosi, ci nu FANATICI RELIGIOSI precum eurasiaticii sau pagani, samani etc. E o diferenta enorma. Si in "VEST" exista atei sau altfel de indivizi, dar per total, oameni cu frica de Dumnezeu gasesti mai mult in LUMEA LIBERA din "VEST", ci nu in EURASIANISM. Eu nu sunt troll ca voi, pentru ca nu promovez proganda rusa ca voi. Eu prezint adevarul istoric cu dovezi irefutabile, din surse sigure. Uitati-va numai ce ati comentat voi si ce am comentat eu. Cine e dement, ma? Care dintre noi? Hmm? Va dau un citat pe subiect "Vorbesti cu Dumnezeu, inseamna ca esti credincios. Dar daca iti raspunde, esti nebun?" Hmm? Nimic mai mult de adaugat, trolilor "dementi"!
Va rog bannati-l pe dementul care polueaza sectiunea de comentarii online. Sau poate ii taie cineva internetul dementului...
Multa mwe cu kkt nato ue sua si tuturor sustinatorilor
BUTCHER HOUSE Inside the Russian ‘cannibal family’s house of horrors’ where they ‘killed and ATE 30 people lured from dating sites’ Dmitry Baksheev, 35, and his wife Natalia, 42, allegedly butchered dozens of victims in Krasnodar, southern Russia CHILLING images have emerged showing inside a Russian "cannibal family's" house of horrors where they allegedly killed and ate 30 people. Dmitry Baksheev, 35, and his wife Natalia, 42, are accused of serving a stuffed and decorated human head as dinner and pickling human remains in jars after luring their victims from dating sites. The couple were arrested after the dismembered body of a young woman was found in a military academy in Krasnodar where they worked. Dmitry reportedly admitted the grim killing and boasted about multiple other murders after a phone was found with pictures of a man posing for selfies with dead bodies.He is said to have told interrogators he began his macabre reign of terror in 1999. Police have so far discovered eight frozen body parts and flayed skin as they attempt to verify the gruesome claims.Dmitry Bakshaev and his wife have allegedly confessed to butchering and eating at least 30 people. One sickening image dated December 1999 appears to show a severed human head being served as Christmas dinner. The pair stand accused of drugging their victims with tranquiliser Corvalol before attacking them and storing their remains in their fridge, freezer and cellar. Sickening images show how the couple allegedly preserved some human "meat" in jars.A local saleswoman who knew the couple is quoted by Ruptly as saying: “I did not notice anything strange about him. He was neighbourly. “He worked at a construction site. She was drunk more frequently. She’s a really untidy woman. “She used to be neat, employed as a medical worker. But lately she was jobless, and she kept on drinking.” Around 19 pieces of human skin were also discovered which had allegedly been "removed from dead people". Dmitry was taken into custody after the chopped up remains of a woman were discovered in bucket and bag in a military academy on September 12. Another bag was filled with the dead woman's possessions. Dmitry is understood to have lived at the academy with his wife, who works as a nurse there. One disturbing image showed a man's head with a hand stuffed in its mouth.The couple has reportedly admitted to carrying out dozens of murders since 1999. One sickening image dated 29 December 1999 appears to show a head being served as Christmas dinner surrounded by oranges. Cops uncovered "video lessons for cannibals" at their homes, according to The couple are being held in Krasnodar as cops investigate. Mai vreti sa va conduca planeta canibalii din Rusia, China si India? c***t in fundul curtii sau in mijlocul drumului, canibalism, "TROC" cu carne de om? Spalat la c*r cu mana, fara hartie igienica, caci e deja traditie in Rusia, India si China. Asta vreti voi? "Infratirea Romaniei cu Rusia pe criterii religioase"? Asta vreti voi care votati AUR si SOS? Fix asta au spus George Simion si Calin Georgescu: "Unirea Romaniei cu Rusia pe criterii religioase, in afara UE si NATO, cu Romania neutra si suverana (precum Ucraina, Moldova si Belarus, adica VICTIMA SIGURA pentru viitoare "operatiuni speciale"). Sa va ierte Dumnezeu, caci eu nu pot! Ha ha ha!
Russian ‘cannibal couple’ may have drugged, killed and eaten as many as 30 people, police say. Investigators believe that a Russian couple knocked their victims out with sedatives, then skinned them alive. Afterward, police say, they ate parts of their victims, froze the remains or packed them in jars filled with saline solution. At times, the couple tried to turn soldiers at the military academy where they worked into unwitting cannibals, slipping “canned human meat” into their food. And people in the city of Krasnodar may never have known about any of it if not for a cellphone lying on a city street, authorities say. City police have arrested the couple — Natalia Baksheeva and her husband, 35-year-old Dmitry Baksheev — who authorities say may be responsible for the deaths or disappearances of as many as 30 people in the city of 750,000 in the southwestern tip of Russia, about five hours from Sochi. So far, Baksheev has been charged with one count of murder, and the investigation is ongoing. If all the killings are confirmed, the couple would rank among the country's worst serial killers. The investigation started Sept. 11, according to the Moscow Times, when crews repairing a road found a discarded cellphone. It still worked, so they swiped through the photos. What they found made them dash to a police station. On the phone were “photos of a man with different parts of a dismembered human body in his mouth,” the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs said in a statement. Chilling videos show a serial killer confessing to seven murders Around the same time that investigators were poring over the phone, officers found the dismembered corpse of a 35-year-old woman near the state-run aviation academy where the couple lived, according to Vice News. Investigators were able to determine the phone's owner via “special technical measures” and arrested Baksheev, according to a news release. In police custody, he told authorities that he and his wife had practiced cannibalism at least 30 times in the past two decades, according to the BBC. The investigation ballooned from there. The details are still spotty, but some have seeped out as the story has rocketed around the world. The earliest potential killing, based on time stamps of photos the couple had, dates to 1999. For years, the couple lived at what the BBC called a “hostel accommodation” at the site of the military base. One or both had at one point worked on the base, in the kitchen. Investigators have not said how they think the couple chose their victims, only how they rendered them unconscious — and what came after. “In the place of residence of the suspects, the investigators discovered fragments of the human body in saline solution in the dormitory. … Frozen meat parts of unknown origin were seized in the kitchen,” investigators said, according to CBS News. According to CNN, one police source said that “law enforcement had discovered a glass jar with a canned hand.” Unofficially, officials have designated the pair the “cannibal couple,” but they have not released many details about them. Russian news stations released video of a police search, apparently from the couple's home. The footage showed a messy, disheveled room, with trash, debris and clothes scattered on the floor and draped over furniture. There were also wigs on top of a small freezer and dozens of pictures on a bed. The couple's pictures were telling, Russian investigators said. One photograph, dated Dec. 28, 1999, appears to show a dismembered human head on a serving plate with fruit. ‘For when you have to hide the bodies’: Disturbing Amazon reviews may belong to accused killer Earlier this year, former Siberian police officer Mikhail Popkov — nicknamed the “werewolf of Siberia” for his brutal killings — confessed to killing 81 people. According to The Washington Post's Fred Barbash, Popkov's victims ranged in age from 17 to 38. He started his spree as a police officer, offering women rides in his car, then taking them to remote locations and raping and killing them.
" Army of looters: Russian troops steal toilets, carpets and potato in Ukraine " - SPECIAL OPERATION 2022-2023 - "More toilets, comrades!" - "Uraaa! Uraaa! Uraaa!" - Over!
Answer: facial recognition software - In an effort to combat the growing issue of toilet paper waste and overuse, the park has installed facial recognition software in the restrooms. Before entering, bathroom visitors must have their faces scanned by a wall-mounted computer. A machine then dispenses a two-foot length of toilet paper, and will not provide a second allotment to the same person for nine minutes. While some are pleased with the benefits of the high-tech TP dispensers, others are more critical. Park employees report that the machines cost about $720 each, while some park visitors found the toilet paper itself simply inadequate. "NOUA ORDINE MONDIALA"? HAHAHAHAHA! Da, da, da! Ce ne promite China? Roboti made in China care ne-o spala "mecanic" la bidet? Ha ha ha! XANAX mai doriti?
"Many Asian toilets don't use paper at all, they may have a hose as a bidet, or water pale, using their hands to clean". "In most Asian countries, it is very difficult to find toilet paper, even in stores." Unlike in developed countries, most public toilets in China do not provide toilet paper onsite and users must bring their toilet paper.
Putin: "Refacem URSS!". USSR at home: "First toilet paper appeared in the glorious country of the Soviet Union in 1968, exactly 51 year later after “the Great October Revolution that liberated everyone”." Alte intrebari? Tu, ala din spate care stramba din mustata! Da, da! Tu ala cu reteta cu medicamente de 1 km. Alte intrebari? f**u-ti gura ma-tii de trolac nespalat! Mori, ba! Te rugam frumos, doar mori si totul va fi bine!
The first toilet paper factory in the USSR was built in 1969
Stim, trolule putinist, ADEVARUL ISTORIC te doare pana la lacrimi. Pentru boala de care suferi tu nu exista medicament. Nici suicidul nu te ajuta, caci te asteapta IADUL VESNIC unde ai sa arzi in chinuri pentru tot raul pe care l-ai facu, il faci in clipa asta si il vei mai face. Dumnezeu te vede! La fel si eu! Enjoy! "Mao indicated “Five Black Categories” for his rivals, which included rightists, counter-revolutionaries, “bad influences,” wealthy farmers, and landlords. A former landlord is publicly humiliated during a “struggle session,” a form of torture designed to shame the victim and heighten their accusers’ anger. For nearly a decade, the citizens of Guangxi were plagued by “beheadings, beatings, live burials, stonings, drownings, boilings, group slaughters, disembowellings, digging out hearts, livers, genitals, slicing off flesh, blowing up with dynamite, and more, with no method unused.” The official number of people consumed throughout the region is 137, but the real death toll is likely hundreds more. Of those documented, at least 38 incidents of cannibalism took place in Wuxuan County. As one participant in the Guangxi massacre later proudly claimed, “In Wuxuan … we ate more people than anywhere else in China.” All over the country, violent uprisings occurred. So-called “Struggle Sessions” became a popular form of punishment during which members of the Chinese Communist Party publicly humiliated and tortured dissenters or opponents. But these sessions often turned extremely violent, and in some regions, devolved to cannibalism. While cannibalism had occurred in China during the Great Famine out of desperation or necessity, by the late 1960s, food supplies had been largely restored. Therefore, the mass demonstrations of cannibalism in Guangxi couldn’t have been due to hunger. The real cause was political hatred. According to one eyewitness, “All the cannibalism was due to class struggle being whipped up, and was used to express a kind of hatred. The murder was ghastly, worse than beasts.” Some of the worst such demonstrations took place in Wuxuan County, where officials invoked a grisly tradition of eating their rivals’ hearts, livers and genitals. That horrific practice began in 1968 when students at Wuxuan Middle School beat their geography teacher to death and carried her body to the banks of the Qian River where they forced another teacher to cut out her heart and liver. Back at the school, the students cooked and ate the organs. Senior officials also reportedly took part in “flesh banquets,” reserving the tender hearts and livers of their opponents in Struggle Sessions for themselves to boil with spices and pork. Lower-ranking citizens “were allowed only to peck at the victims’ arms and thighs.” One Communist Party member, named Wang Wenliu, developed a reputation for eating male genitals or preserving them in liquor. After she was promoted, Beijing learned of her bloody habit and demanded to know why she hadn’t been ejected from the Party. A subsequent investigation found that she had, in fact, only eaten flesh and liver. She was demoted, but allowed to keep a job in the Party. Then in May 1968, a particularly violent uprising in the Communist Party saw one chairman mobbed and dismembered, with his head and a leg bone hung in a public square. Red Guard militants then spotted his brother, beat him severely, and pushed him into a sewer pit where they cut out his heart and liver while he was still alive. Others quickly stripped his body of flesh, and his bones were dumped in the river."
The communist cannibals: Shocking images reveal the depravation suffered by peasants forced to eat HUMANS during the 1920s Russian famine. The Russian famine of 1921–22, also known as Povolzhye famine, occurred in Bolshevik Russia It began in early spring of 1921 and lasted through 1922 Civil war and Lenin's policy of seizing food from peasants caused the devastating man-made famine Around 30 million people were affected and around five million died WARNING: Distressing images Standing solemnly in their thick winter coats behind a table laden with children's body parts, this is the grave photo of a couple that shows how starving people turned to cannibalism to survive during a man-made famine in 1920s Russia. More than five million people died during the catastrophe, which began in 1921 and lasted through 1922. Russian communist revolutionary Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as Lenin, had been in charge of the country since 1917. In a chilling disregard for the suffering of his fellow countrymen he instructed food to be seized from the poor. Lenin's Bolsheviks party believed peasants were actively trying to undermine the war effort and by taking their food away it reduced their strength. The famine was able to take root with ease due to the economic problems caused by World War I, five years of civil war, and a drought in 1921 which led to 30 million Russians becoming malnourished. As Lenin declared ‘let the peasants starve’, the result was to force them to resort to trading human flesh on the black market. Pictures: A Russian couple sell human body parts on a market. People of Russia began to eat and sell human limbs due to the food struggle during the Russian famine of 1921. Russian academics have previously researched and catalogued examples of cannibalism and corpse eating and in one account described how a woman refused to give over her husband’s dead body because she was using it for meat. The starving peasants were even seen digging up recently buried corpses to retrieve their flesh, as well as eating grass and animals that were previously considered pets. The police took no action as cannabalism was considered a legitimate method of survival. Eventually aid workers from America and Europe arrived and in 1921 one wrote a stomach churning account of what they’d seen: ‘Families were killing and devouring fathers, grandfathers and children. ‘Ghastly rumours about sausages prepared with human corpses though officially contradicted, were common. In the market, among rough huckstresses swearing at each other, one heard threats to m**e sausages of a person.’. "Ati auzit bine! Daca ma enervati, va fac carnati!" Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Recomand: "Human cannibalism in Samara during the Russian famine of 1921–1922" + " 6 peasants of Buzuluk, Volga region, and the remains of humans they had eaten during the Russian famine of 1921–1922" + " A boy from the village of Blagoveshchenka (Zaporozhye province, Ukraine) Illarion Nishchenko during the famine of 1921–1922 killed his three-year-old brother and ate him." Intelegeti? Mai vreti si alte detalii? Intelegeti de ce Iisus va veni pentru a 2-a oara inaintea APOCALIPSEI NUCLEARE (BIBLICE) sa ne salveze de invadatorii satanisti si antihristi din Rusia, China si India? Ce au toate 3 in comun, in afara e cacatul in fundul curtii sau in mijlocul drumului? Toate 3 sunt anti-DIVINITATE. Rusia are populatie de aproximativ 145.000.000 de oameni (nu cred ca-i putem numi oameni pe toti...), dar doar in jur de 35.000.000 de rusi sunt ortodocsi (doar cei din Moscova si din apropiere, adica "moscovitii", restul de pana la 145.000.000 sunt SAMANI sau alte religii pagane sau deloc, inclusiv tatarii aia din Siberia. Cei mai multi sunt salbatici fara religie. Deci, Rusia nu e ortodoxa. In prezent vorbim despre "Federatia Rusa", adica o adunatura de ceva, de mai multe popoare subjugate de moscoviti din 1500 pana in prezent. Deoarece moscovitii reprezinta o minoritate a intregii Federatii Ruse, atunci rusii nu se pot numi popor ortodox. Chiar si asa, o mare parte dintre moscoviti sunt oricum ortodocsi doar cu numele. Bun, sa trece la China. Chinezii sunt toti budisti sau nu au religie. Dar in general niciunul nu da doi bani pe Iisus si pe sacrificiul sau. Nu exista ortodocsi in China, cred ca nici catolici. Exista doar cativa musulmani, dar sunt irelevanti. Oricum, China este un popor de antihristi. Iar India... ce sa mai spunem despre India? Paganii aia se inchina la o "printesa cu cap de elefant" si zei cu piele albastra fix ca in AVATAR si alte baliverne de genul. PAGANI ii caracterizeaza cel mai bine pe indieni. Intelegeti acum DE CE RUSIA A PIERDUT DEJA ACEST RAZBOI? Care sunt aliatii lui Putin? Iran, Coreea de Nord, Siria, Belarus, India, China si mai cine? Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!
Pentru boul de jos: cumpara tati medicamente ca esti bolnav mintal.
"Incredible pictures show cannibal Aghori tribe (INDIA) where men drink from skulls and eat human flesh to connect with gods. - AGHORI CANNIBALISM Shrouded in an aura of mystery, the Aghori sadhus’ are know for post-mortem rituals - in particular the practice cannibalism. Aghoris live among India's cremation sites - where Lord Shiva and goddess Kali Ma are said to dwell - and feed on what others throw away. Bodies are often cremated and then scattered into the sacred Ganges river, but some bodies are disposed of without cremation. The Aghori are said to collect these remains and use them for their spiritual enlightenment, wearing the corpses, consuming them or building alters from them. As well as feasting on human flesh, Aghoris also drink from human skulls and chew the heads off of live animals. INCREDIBLE images have captured a terrifying cult who live in cemeteries, use dead bodies as alters and eat human flesh. One of the most feared and revered cults in India, the Aghori members are infamous for their dark and deadly quest for spiritual enlightenment." " Which tribe is cannibalistic in India? "Another tribe of Indians, called the Padaei, who live to the east of these marsh Indians, are nomadic and eat raw meat. They are said to have the following customs."
Daily waste on India’s urban streets 'enough to fill 16 jumbo jets with poo' as shocking pictures show the crisis - These shocking images of life in India show the desperate lack in provision of toilets for those living in its cities. The world's largest democracy is also one of its most powerful emerging economies - but India still ranks top for having the greatest number of urban dwellers living without a safe, private toilet - a staggering 157 million. It's also the country with the most urban dwellers practising open defecation at a massive 41 million. The problem is so big that the daily waste produced on the streets of India’s towns and cities is enough to fill eight Olympic-sized swimming pools, or 16 jumbo jets, with poo, every day. As cities expand, the number of urbanites living without basic sanitation has swollen by 26 million since the year 2000.
"Do people actually still poop in the streets of India? If so, is it a huge public health issue?" - "Of course it is illegal but that means nothing in India. pooping and peeing on the highway, in back streets, in any clump of trees happens all the time, all over the country. Taxi drivers do it and their passengers; high class and Dalits. Policeman do it. Attorneys do it. College principals do it. It is regarded as a normal male function and nobody raises an eyebrow. If a woman did it, she'd be arrested or perhaps raped. About 1million people per year die from enteric fevers of one kind or another. India is a truly undisciplined country and population, with total and utter disregard for the law. It is illegal to drive the wrong way up the highway: happens all the time and cops ignore it for a small fee (bribe.) It is illegal to carry 8 people in a taxi or rickshaw marked Max 3 Passengers: happens all the time and cops..etc. It is illegal to sell produce after its sell-by date: happens all the time…etc. It is illegal for a girl under 18 or a man under 21 to be married in most states: happens all the time with girls as young as 13 … etc. You get the idea? Pooping in public places is nothing. Nobody gives a shit, if you'll pardon the pun."
I-auzi, puIa mea! India, China si Rusia vor conduce in curand intreaga planeta? Ha ha ha! Serios? Ha ha ha! Cand vreodata, boss? Ha ha ha! Stiti ce au in comun toti 3? Cacatul in fundul curtii sau in drum. India - Rusia - China. 3 sferturi din populatia se CACA EFECTIV in fundul gradinii sau in drum, precum India in mod special. Voi realizati, ba? Ha ha ha! Doamne fereste! Doamne iarta-i! Ha ha ha! "Why do millions of Indians defecate in the open? - BBC News". Auzi la ei, cine ne va conduce noua planeta IN CURAND. HA HA HA! M-am c***t pe rusi de ras!


